An Interview About Mill Present Development Situation In Europe Mill Present Development Situation In Europe
    • Host: The development of grinding mill in Europe is relatively advanced. We have many technologies that need to learn to Europe. The European mill is a world leading level. Today, we invite the grinder expert—Mr. Wang to give us a detailed lesson on the mill present development situation in Europe. Welcome Mr. Wang!
    • Mr. Wang: Hello, everybody. This is my honor to take part in the interview. Hope you have a nice afternoon.
    • Host: As the developed regions, I heard that the milling machinery design in Europe pay attention to the comprehensive automation, doesn't it?
    • Mr. Wang: Yes. In Europe, in order to achieve efficient production, machinery design stresses the comprehensive automation. They pay attention to the innovation. Machine manufacturers and auxiliary equipment manufacturers often work together to develop a variety of innovative tools, high precision machine, peripheral device and logistics component. Then, further consolidate the important status which occupies in the international market.
    • Host: When we choose the grinding mill, its price is an important reference factor. Why are they not paying attention to the price factor?
    • Mr. Wang: The price is not the main factors for European customers to buy machinery. But other variable costs, such as raw material and energy costs, are the real customer concern. These variable costs are far more than the investment cost in machinery. At the same time, the European machinery manufacturers put in a lot of resources in the new technology research and development. According to statistics, the global more than 45% patent is owned by the Europeans.
    • Host: European grinding mill is very successful. So in the world, what are the manufacturers' main advantages?
    • Mr. Wang: Machinery production equipment in Europe has earned a good reputation by the high quality and high precision. High yield, less defective products, prompt delivery, long product service life and short delivery cycle, are the major advantages of Europe machinery manufacturer. These advantages not only meet customer needs, but also can effectively reduce the cost of production.
    • Host: What a wonderful introduction! Thank you to accept our invitation. We have a deep understanding about mill present development situation in Europe. Thank you.
    • Mr. Wang: You are welcome.

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